Mahjong136 - Achievements
- 詳細內容
- 分類:Engineering
- 發佈於:2014-03-30, 週日 00:42
- 作者 Chih Chiang Wang
- 點擊數:85343
- 1000 (10) points
- 50000 (20) points
- 250000 (30) ponits
- 1250000 (40) points
- 6250000 (50) points
- 9999999 (100) points
ChiToi (20):
7 pairs (Suit or Honor).
ToiToi (20):
4 (Exposed or Concealed) triples and one pair (Suit or Honor)
SanShokuDouKou (20):
Three same triples are from each Charater, Dot and Bamboo.
SanShokuDouJun (20):
Three same sequences are from each Charater, Dot and Bamboo.
SanKanTsu (20):
Three melds of Kong (Exposed or Concealed)
SanAnKou (20):
Three Concealed triples
HonItsu (20):
One suit and honors (Exposed or Concealed)
Chanta (20):
Terminals or honors in each Meld and Pair (Exposed or Concealed)
Ittsuu (20):
1-9 in one Suit (Exposed or Concealed)
RyanPeiKou (30):
Two same sequences in two different Suit (Exposed or Concealed)
JunChan (30):
Only terminals in each meld and pair (Exposed or Concealed)
HonRouTou (30):
All terminals and honors (Exposed or Concealed)
ShouSanGen (40):
Two triplets and one pair of dragons (Exposed or Concealed)
ChinItsu (60):
One suit (Exposed or Concealed)
DaiSanGen (80):
Three triplets of dragons (Exposed or Concealed)
ChinRouTou (80):
All terminals (Exposed or Concealed)